Healing and Creativity: two sides of wholeness
Our true nature is creativity: the ability to create our own life, to flow, to play. And yet, we are not all living our ultimate life creation. Why is that?
Trauma, or times when it didn't feel safe to express or be our free-flowing aliveness, creates energetic restriction or blocks in our natural flow of who we are. This is where healing comes in, allowing us to release these blocks or densities and return to our natural, creative flow.
Sometimes, the creativity that is the goal in the first place can be used to go inside, with a healing intention, to release what feels painful and dense, so we can return to our true nature.
As a musical creative and a healer, I see these two aspects as reflections of the one essence I am here to remind us of: free-flowing aliveness, or authentic self-expression.
I'm making a case for healing and creativity as two sides of the Divine Feminine expressed. She is naturally a healer, seeking to find those places that need more flow, less density, and more water (the Divine Feminine). Often, all that is needed to move this energy is deep listening, embodied presence, an invitation to feel and release stuck emotion, and unconditional love. This is all provided by the Divine Feminine.
Creativity, on the other hand, is expressed within the support held by the Divine Masculine. What style or modality are you expressing in? Are you unconditionally free to express yourself? Under what stipulations are you welcomed to express your creativity?
This reflects the healing that has been done inside, the safety and skill that has been cultivated, and the context or expectations under which it operates.
This brings me to the need to create deep and strong masculine containers to hold the healing space, so that the creativity that expresses outwardly feels free, even within a specific genre or style. If you pay close attention, you can feel the energy of a free-flowing artist or one who is still held back by some restriction.
What is wanting to be free in you? Do you feel a desire for freedom from an inner place (pain, depression, lack of circulation, mental confusion, repeated story loops creating suffering, etc.) or from an outer place (a desire to express in a way that is not currently flowing)?
I work with both of these patterns and have found that it's actually the same energy applied inside or outside. Working with the Lion's Gate Portal until its peak on August 12th is ideal for clarity and manifestation of your soul-aligned path.
What pain is calling you inside, inviting you to heal? What do you already know that wants to be expressed? Do you already know your deepest soul's creation? Are you planting these seeds and growing this in a way that feels joyous and fun? Or are you watching and waiting while others create around you, feeling stuck somehow?
If you are in Sedona, I am holding space for Generosity-based Shamanic Healing Journeys this month, to help align you more clearly with your soul's path.
If you're not in Sedona, we’ll have an online breathwork session later this month on August 28th to assist you on this journey. If you need assistance before then, I am offering individual soul alignment sessions online this month as well! DM “healing in person” or “alignment online” now so you don't forget!
May you find that spark clearly calling from your soul to be born and grow this month!